Power BI

All your PBX stats – now available in Power BI


How about having all the call statistics from your Telavox PBX solution streamed directly into Power BI? That way, you can utilise Power BI’s powerful tools to visualise and analyse data – and it’s all possible thanks to the Telavox integration! Our integration allows you to visualise your company’s entire call statistics in custom graphs, charts, lists and so on. Give your analytics a boost by having your PBX and contact center insights in Power BI!

Integration features

How to setup the integration

Before you can start using Power BI you need three things:

  1. Access to Telavox statistics.
  2. Access to the Free or Pro version of Power BI, which you can get at the Power BI website.
  3. You might also need your IT administrator  to activate Power BI for your Microsoft account.

Please contact your Customer Success Manager or reseller for more info. Already a Telavox customer? Check out our support and installation document.

Questions about integrations?

Contact sales, your personal advisor or one of our certified partners to learn more.